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On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 12:00 PM, Florian Effenberger <> wrote:

Hello Zeki,

Zeki Bildirici wrote on 2013-05-17 13:27:

 We had used this method in Pardus GNU/Linux and it worked. After
asking to Florian for his advice that if is this possible to use this
channels for LibreOffice, i've creaed two twitter accounts.

I'd like to take a chance to say a big thank you for your great work! It's
fantastic how fast you have come up with this solution, and I really love
the idea.

Thank you so much, and keep up the good work - you rock! :-)

+1 to what Florian said. Awesome work.



*Joel Madero*
LibreOffice QA Volunteer


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