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PeOd: Norbert Thiebaud <>
Komu: Petr Mladek <>
Kopie: libreoffice-release <>
Předmět: Re: [Libreoffice-release] [ANNOUNCE] libreoffice-
tag created
Datum: Mon, 6 May 2013 20:41:44 -0500

On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 6:19 PM, Norbert Thiebaud <> wrote:
So after a couple of minor patches to deal with codesign and md5sum...

I notice:
when one open the dmg, the content is not as usuall. there is an extra
directory indirection.
the dmg contain a directory that contain and the 2
other usual items (licenses and readmes)
The application icon is missing.

2/ launching result in a crash early. I'm not sure
it is worth uploading...


3/ the main dmg is now 619 MB !!!!! a 400% increase from 4.0.2
the unpacked .app directory goes from 656M to 2.6GB....
apparently most of it is due to 1.6GB of help in all languages being
packages with the main dmg, 200MB or all languages ressources 250MB of
dictionnary-related extensions...
but is missing the python framework.

4/ make dev-install borked too:
: ERROR: Failed "ln -sf 'Versions/Current/Headers'
at /Volumes/Raid0/rel41/solenv/bin/modules/installer/ line

Sigh, I guess that it is related to the gbuildisation. Is there any
gbuild expert with access to MAC who could help, please?

Best Regards,


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