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On Fri, 2013-04-26 at 00:51 +0530, Anurag Kanungo wrote:
Hi ,
Need help , please check inline comment at

I am not able to figure out how it could access memory out of
bounds , 

I don't think , it will access memory out of bounds , as it is checked
only if it is not the beginning of paragraph such as   if( !bstart
)   , means we have at-least few worlds before the '.' . 

I am not able to find any possibility where it breaks .
Yeah, I think you're right, so I pushed your change. Thanks for that,
means we can finally close that easy hack.

The existing code is very tricky in that method and it's not immediately
obvious that the string at this point appears to be guaranteed to be >=
two previous characters, so it didn't hurt to add a check to ensure
that. So I added a check there and tweaked the commit message to include
the bug id, (fdo#42893) because that way our automatic tooling puts a
message into the bugzilla entry for the bug.

I think this is your first submission, so what we need now is a
statement that your code is under our preferred license combo.

So add yourself to
and follow the how-to, e.g. send a message like...

   All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be
   licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license.

to this list and when it appears in the archive add the link to it to
the wiki.



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