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Hi Mariano, *,

On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 3:09 AM, Mariano Gaudix
<> wrote:
I developed  a pack of icons  unofficial  for LibreOffice   .

How  i can do  that  the  program   recognize my icons  ?
Not sure whether I understand you correctly, since as you uploaded
screenshots with LO using the icons, I guess you already know hot to
make them available to LO, so I assume you ask on how to add them to
the sourcecode, so you don't have to replace one of the existing files.

Or      the icons  are  default  in the program  ?
To be the default, you need to get approval from the ux-advise list,
the icon theme also needs to be more or less complete contains
deatiled instructions on what is needed to add a new icon-theme to the
sources, to have it included in a build and available for selection
via the UI.

So prepare the changes and then prepare a patch and upload it to
gerrit / prepare a git tree to pull from.

Send a license statement regarding your contribution and wait for it
to be integrated :-)

See on how to use gerrit.



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