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Hello all,

I made some changes in the code related to bug 61060
(, and the drop
down menus in Calc (file, view, edit etc.) have gone blank.

Can someone tell me the reason for this? I havnt touched any of the
code that deals with the interface or anything of that sort.

Moreover, when I reverted the changes, the problem still persisted!

It was working fine before making the change.

I have pasted the diff below:

diff --git a/sc/source/ui/view/tabview.cxx b/sc/source/ui/view/tabview.cxx
index 76dcd12..b009a66 100644
@@ -2028,15 +2028,13 @@ void ScTabView::FreezeSplitters( bool bFreeze )
     if ( eOldV != SC_SPLIT_NONE )
         ePos = SC_SPLIT_TOPLEFT;
     Window* pWin = pGridWin[ePos];
+    ScDocShell* pDocSh = NULL;

     bool bLayoutRTL = aViewData.GetDocument()->IsLayoutRTL( aViewData.GetTabNo(

     if ( bFreeze )
         Point aWinStart = pWin->GetPosPixel();
+       pDocSh->SetDocumentModified();

         Point aSplit;
         SCsCOL nPosX;
         SCsROW nPosY;

Sameer Deshmukh


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