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On 04/15/2013 03:34 PM, Michael Stahl wrote:
with commit a5a5104cae175f6b9a8cb4bbaccb69f0276783e3 MacOSX build define
_GLIBCXX_DEBUG (like Linux/BSD/Android builds have done for years(,
which enables debug STL.
since we have this enabled on other GCC platforms for years i'm not much
concerned about breakage on MacOSX; it would be helpful though if
somebody could try what happens when you run the "subsequentcheck" tests
which apparently isn't possible over SSH.

Has anybody seen this working? At least my Mac OS X 10.7.5, Xcode 4.6.1, --enable-dbgutil --with-macosx-sdk=10.7 master builds keep crashing when executing transex3 with

transex3(23490,0xac65b2c0) malloc: *** error for object 0x66120: pointer being freed was not 
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug


#0  0x9787b9c6 in __pthread_kill ()
#1  0x95610f78 in pthread_kill ()
#2  0x95601bdd in abort ()
#3  0x95663e61 in free ()
#4  0x99c9ff43 in std::string::_Rep::_M_dispose ()
#5  0x99ca0d04 in std::string::reserve ()
#6  0x99ca0ee7 in std::string::append ()
#7  0x99c8af5e in std::operator>><char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > ()
#8  0x00033727 in MergeDataFile::MergeDataFile (this=0x3204e0, rFileName=@0x3203fc, rFile=@0x665c0, 
bCaseSensitive=false, bWithQtz=true) at 
#9  0x000334fd in MergeDataFile::MergeDataFile (this=0x3204e0, rFileName=@0x3203fc, rFile=@0x665c0, 
bCaseSensitive=false, bWithQtz=true) at 
#10 0x0000f38f in Export::PrepareTextToMerge (this=0x3203c0, rText=@0xbfff91f8, nTyp=16, 
rLangIndex=@0xbfff8d50, pResData=0x3205d0) at 
#11 0x00006da8 in Export::Execute (this=0x3203c0, nToken=506, pToken=0x5150a0 "    Text[en-US] = 
\"Open\";\n") at /Users/stephan/Software/lo/core/l10ntools/source/export.cxx:704
#12 0x000164bb in ParserQueue::Pop (this=0x320440, aQueue=@0x31ffb0) at 
#13 0x00012fd1 in ParserQueue::Push (this=0x320440, aEntry=@0xbfff92e0) at 
#14 0x000083fe in WorkOnTokenSet (nTyp=400, pTokenText=0x8513d5 "\n") at 
#15 0x0002d1a7 in yylex () at srclex.l:94
#16 0x0002fc6b in sal_main_with_args (argc=9, argv=0xbfff94d4) at srclex.l:265
#17 0x0002fc1d in main (argc=9, argv=0xbfff94d4) at srclex.l:262

which to me looks like a broken libstdc++.



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