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Hi, all

        I want to use libreoffice 4.0.1 (for Linux)  to convert some kinds of
document(such as word,excel,pdf,ppt etc.) to HTML and I  begin the work
from the java example code  in sdk.
        I found my code  will failed when it convert pdf to html if i didn't
assign input filter and output filter. After some test,i found i should
assign input filter 'impress_pdf_import' and output filter
'draw_html_Export', then the code will work. 

        It seems that each kind of document will need to assign different
filter in my code. So i need to spend lots of time to test these filter.
        My question is ,how should i do to make my code act as the function of
preview in web browser in libreoffice GUI menu?   I mean if i use
libreoffice to open these kinds of document directly, and then preview
it in web browser in GUI, the HTML document is exactly all my needed.
How could i call this function in GUI using java code? 
        My second question is, How should i call my java code in Tomcat?  I
found my java code will work if i use "java -jar DocumentConverter ...".
But if i call it from Tomcat, it will raise the error "Bootstrapping
failure -OpenOffice not found".  I had checked the forum in google.
Someone suggest me to download bootstrapconnector.jar to replace
Bootstrap.bootstrap() function.  I tried it and found it could work.But
the performance is poor than bootstrap(),especially when the soffice
service is not started.  
        And i tried to copy juh.jar to libreoffice/program diretory and add it
to CLASSPATH, it didn't work.
        So how should i do? Please give me help. Any suggestion will be very
Teng Hailong  


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