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Hi Chris,

On Thu, Mar 07, 2013 at 09:15:03AM +0000, Chris Tapp <> wrote:
As far as I can tell, LO only uses the inter-word spaces for justification and it only makes 
these larger.
This generally works fairly well in many cases, but it does sometimes lead to output with large 
gaps between
words and where the gaps vary significantly between the lines of a paragraph.

A more visually-pleasing result (important for book publication) can be obtained if the gaps are 
balanced within a paragraph.
This can be done by defining a range for the inter-word gap (e.g. 80% to 120% of 'normal') and 
allowing the
inter-character gaps to be altered as well (say -5% to 10%).

I think adding this to LO would be really nice (possibly as an 'advanced' setting to hide it from 
'normal' users) and would give it a 
major feature advantage over 'standard' word processors ;-)

Hm, I don't think the inter-word gap can be customized ATM. However,
inter-character spacing can be customized using Format -> Character ->
Position -> Spacing. Setting that to a small enough (but positive) value
seems to help here with a simple two-liner paragraph.

If this is not enough, I would look into adding a new paragraph property
to define additional inter-word spacing. The interesting part is to let
the layout take care of that option, Cédric's

has quite some code pointers on where that code is.


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