Hi Zolnai, On Friday, 2013-02-15 17:14:05 +0100, Zolnai Tamás wrote:
I've got some question about usage of native numbers (i.e Hindi, Japanise, Chinese numbers) related with a new feature.
Cool, thanks for asking!
This new feature is a new toolbar element, a ComboBox, which contains numbers. I tried to make this item to use natvie numbers not just ascii digits. So this solution allow users to type in such numbers if the locale is "special", but in this case ascii digits are not allowable.
Why not? IMHO we should not disallow valid input.
So the question is that using native numbers in such UI element is worthy and with locking out ascii numbers this feature will be useable or not?
I have a general concern that this UI element would be the only one working like this, so my advice would be to not introduce such a special behavior.
This feature has already been sent to review, but taking notice of the long reviewing time, I thought the times comes to turn to such person who is experienced in such problems and can answer these questions or add some advices. The patch: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/1994/ The code using native numbers: limitboxcontroller.hxx\cxx - LimitBox class
Having taken a look at the change my questions are: * why did you manually code the transliteration for this one LimitBox control? * what does LimitBox make so special it is the only control using native numbering? * using a ComboBox raises the question if that is the proper control here where only numeric values are to be handled * why not use a NumericBox instead? * which effectively is derived from ComboBox and NumericFormatter so should provide what you want * native numbering is missing at NumericFormatter and hence NumericBox, it could be implemented there * note that I didn't dive into what feature actually shall be implmenented with the change, there may be reasons I have overlooked * the choice to store the current locale and thus not follow a change under Options is unfortunate, the locale should be obtained on the fly instead Hopefully I made sense.. Eike -- LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer. New GnuPG key 0x65632D3A : 2265 D7F3 A7B0 95CC 3918 630B 6A6C D5B7 6563 2D3A Old GnuPG key 0x293C05FD : 997A 4C60 CE41 0149 0DB3 9E96 2F1A D073 293C 05FD Support the FSFE, care about Free Software! https://fsfe.org/support/?erack
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