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Stephan Bergmann píše v Po 04. 02. 2013 v 12:54 +0100:

Quoting <>:

"In general, what parts of an old user profile are migrated is 
controlled by configuration settings in the 
/org.openoffice.Setup/Migration tree (see 
officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Setup.xcu).  The data that is 
present there is apparently mostly what had been there for the migration 
from OOo 2 to OOo 3 already.  The reason why certain parts of a user 
profile had been excluded from migration back than are probably lost to 

"Note that this user profile migration code already kicked in on Linux 
during the LO 3 timeframe, when 
'fdo#32263' moved the location of the user profile from ~/.libreoffice/3 
to ~/.config/libreoffice/3 

I'm not sure what our position should be on that.  Given that it didn't 
work any better in the Linux case discussed above, do we consider this 
good enough?  Or is it severe enough to consider it a blocker for 4.0.0?

IMHO, it is not a blocker but it would be nice to improve it in the
upcoming bugfix releases.

I think that it is not a blocker because it partly works. It was good
enough for Linux in the past and I am not aware of complaining users.
Finally, It might take some time until we solve all the missing parts
and potential bugs. Finally, the .0 release is intended for early
adopters and might include even annoying bugs.

In any case, I'm personally not familiar enough with the various stuff 
actually stored in the user profile (apart from the extension stuff, for 
which I checked that it should be generally covered) to judge what to do 
about it, so I would ask people who do know specifics about certain 
parts of the user profile to step in.

Is it mostly about modifying the include/exclude parts in
officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Setup.xcu? Or do you think that
some more extensive coding is necessary, please?

Best Regards,


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