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Il 28/01/2013 10:39, Norbert Thiebaud ha scritto:
On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 3:32 AM, Riccardo Magliocchetti
<>  wrote:
Cool! seen it in action and it's always nice to know you didn't break
anything before pushing :) I'm wondering if you can save some cpu cycles by
creating a blacklist of file patterns that does not trigger rebuild on some
platforms, for example a patch i posted touched only which
probably don't need a windows rebuild.
It is _always_ the patch that can't possibly break the build that do....
I trust you on that :)

Was reading through and
found TB_MATADATA_DIR , should this be TB_METADATA_DIR instead?
yes indeed :-) thankfully that is only a typo in the documentation,
not the code :-)
since it is a Wiki, by all mean fell free to fix obvious typo like that :-)



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