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On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 5:26 AM, Michael Meeks <> wrote:

On Fri, 2013-01-25 at 14:17 -0800, matthew lange wrote:
Does anyone know why I am suddenly getting email floods from this
list? I have changed no settings at my end.

        Perhaps two reasons ? it is LibreOffice 4.0.0 time - and so lots of
patches are going through review that would normally go to master: that
bulks up the mail flow. Also - I've started getting tripple copies (I
assume in error) of some PUSHED messages from gerrit: no idea why - I
poked Norbert but perhaps it's just me.

Eike reported something similar...  I did not notice this... but then
maybe google mail is hiding that from me somehow...
I must admit that I'm ill equiped for this one as I have littel
control on the mail system itself... that is more a florian things...
and it is bjoern that did set-up the mail spaming in gerrit
originally... and I'm not really sure which trick was chosen.
I've done some reading since then, and found how we were supposed to
set-it up gerrit wise... but that surely was not set-up that way.

But clearly the one thing that changed recently is the system layer of
vm2 (the virtual machine that run gerrit-prod)
we have not changed any of gerrit conf regarding email...



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