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Samuel Mehrbrodt-2 wrote
Do we really want Ctl+F to be a toggle command? I would expect Ctl+F to 
always open the Findbar, and if it's already open, put the cursor in the 
search field (that's what Firefox e.g. also does)
It already does all that ;) If you leave it open, pressing Ctrl+F puts focus
on the input box. 

You may argue that having Ctrl+F as a toggle function is redundant since Esc
already dismisses it, but this way it behaves like the Find dialog in MS
Office (activate with Ctrl+F, dismiss with Esc) and like the one in
OpenOffice (activate with Ctrl+F, dismiss with Ctrl+F or Esc)

So I would say it makes sense to keep it (but I'm suspicious because I made
the request :) )


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