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On 01/22/2013 02:05 PM, Olivier R. wrote:
On Windows, LO 4 is unable to install this extension (written in Python):

Here is the error I get:

( { { Message = "<class
'UnicodeDecodeError'>: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position
3782: character maps to <undefined>, traceback follows\X000a  C:\\Program
Files (x86)\\LOdev
4.0\\program\\python-core-3.3.0\\lib\\encodings\\ in function
decode() [return
C:\\Program Files (x86)\\LOdev 4.0\\program\\ in function
getModuleFromUrl() [src =\"\\r\",\"\")]\X000a
C:\\Program Files (x86)\\LOdev 4.0\\program\\ in function
writeRegistryInfo() [mod = self.getModuleFromUrl( locationUrl
)]\X000a\X000a", Context = ( @0 } }

But it works properly on Linux.

The code is useful to switch between the 4 different French dictionaries.

Any idea?
Should I create a bug report?

The file included in <> is apparently UTF-8 encoded and includes code unit sequences like E2 80 9D (representing U+201D RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK) at offset 3780.

The code at LO's

  src ="\r","")

is obviously environment sensitive, in that it tries to treat the file as CP-1252 encoded (which fails: E2 and 80 happen to represent valid CP-1252 characters, but 9D does not) in your Windows environment, but likely treats it as UTF-8 (which succeeds) in your Linux environment. This environment-sensitive behavior of Python presumably changed for Python 3, so that this issue only starts to show with LO 4.

So, for one, someone better versed in Python than me could fix that code in to not be environment sensitive. (And you can file a LO bug about that.)

And, for another, for maximum portability, it might be possible to change the content of that to stick to plain ASCII source. (And you can contact the authors of that extension about that.)



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