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Hey Julien,

2013/1/21 julien2412 <>:
Thank you for your feedback about this Markus.
The problem is, I don't know how to do this, would you have an example? I
read again about copy constructor, copy-swap idiom, C++11  standard, etc. so
a conversion example to follow could be very useful. I tried to find one in
cgit history but didn't find it (or missed it?)

I'll do this one. You can see then how it works. You should maybe read or
some other resource about shared_ptr.

Moreover, I made a search about mnRefCount in OpenGrok, it seems manual ref
has been used more than once. I don't remember in which bug I read this but
it could be a source of problem (I think about crash problems)

As long as it is implemented correctly it is not a problem. All these
cases have to be inspected carefully and it has to be checked why
manual reference counting has been implemented and they did not use a
shared_ptr. Please be careful when you cahnge manual ref counted
classes to a shared_ptr. We have internally several own shared_ptr
classes or replacements for shared_ptr that are doing ref counting.
Additionaly boost::shared_ptr is no silver bullet to all problems and
comes with some own problems like a performance penalty.

So from a conversion example given, I'd be interested to apply the
replacement of the refCount by boost::shared_ptr in some (all if possible)
other places.

Please remember that some of our low level classes are manually ref
counted and should not be changed or might only be changed with a lot
of more work.

What do you think? Would it be useful ? Can the conversion mechanism be
"quite automatically" be applied or each case is "unique"?

I would not change them with a careful inspection. I checked this
special case you originally mentioned before I wrote my mail so I was
sure that it is safe to use boost::shared_ptr there.

The problem isn't just the cppcheck report (even if I appreciate to kill
them :-)), I just wonder if it can help to reduce the number of crash cases.

I checked the code and there is no error in the handling of this code
that would be the reason for a crash. That does not mean that it is
not a good idea to switch to a shared_ptr, as this means less code and
less chance for future bugs.



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