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I am a trainee and have been assigned a project to debug and correct one
bug of LiBo. I am assigned this
As of now I have identified this much:-

   - Comments folder with comment1.xml , CommentAuthors are getting created
   in the PPTx So this is an FileOpen issue
   - I have also identified that pptx opens and is handled from
   ../oox/source/ppt/presentationfragmenthandler.cxx (finalizeimport)
   - There are handlers for Notes, Layouts etc but none for Annotations.
   - Furthermore I have also identified that Annotations are considered as
   smarttags and are not exactly treated as part of the Presentation and hence
   have no data structures in the SlidePersistPtr

As of now I can identify whether a slide has a comment in it or not using
following in presentationfragmenthandler.cxx (finalizeimport) :-
OUString aCommentFragmentPath =
 if ( !aCommentFragmentPath.isEmpty() ) { ... //comment present }


   - ../sd/source/core/annotations have a few incomplete implementations
   for the Annotations (Annotations.cxx AnnotationAccess.cxx etc)
   - In presentationfragmenthandler there needs to another handler for
   comments but I am stuck on how this can be implemented.

So can you please guide how should I go about solving this issue ?

Eagerly waiting for your reply...
Vinaya Mandke


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