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Hi Caolan,

I am using version 1.7.1 and your suggestion of manually editing g, worked.
I ran into trouble with firewall and had to update .git/config to the http url. Make fetch finished 

Thanks for your inputs.

-----Original Message-----
From: Caolán McNamara []
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 6:05 AM
To: Rai, Neeraj [ICG-MKTS]
Cc: ''
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-dev] - trouble with building libreoffice 4.0 from source

On Thu, 2013-01-17 at 21:58 +0000, Rai, Neeraj wrote:
Hi ,

I am trying to build libreoffice preview release 4.0.0 RC1 from source
but having some trouble with "make fetch" and need some advice.

It fails on cmd : git config --local --get submodule.dictionaries.url
Complaining that "local is not a valid option"
What's the output of git --version, I suppose its too old to have
"--local" so manually editing g to remove --local might work



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