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On 01/18/2013 09:22 AM, Fernand Vanrie wrote:

Hi all,

Before we go to a issue, can someone explain wath are the future
plans to connect LO to MySQL

That would be nice :-)

but I'm pretty sure this was discussed on this list before, and from
what I remember, backwards compatibility was to be maintained, given
that the project itself did not want to integrate the native connector
directly into LO releases for a variety of reasons.

My understanding was :
- Linux : the distribs will deal with it, as they have done so in the past;
- Mac OSX : backwards compatibility to be maintained;
- Windows : backwards compatibility to be maintained.

Nevertheless, this was a while ago, and before the decision to allow ABI
breakage was taken (i.e. meaning that extensions could break, and it
would be up to the extension providers to fix them). So, if that
approach is still the mantra, then the connector is doomed, at least on
Windows 64bit OS, and also on OSX as I don't think Apache OO are
currently inclined to do the LibreOffice project any particular favours,
unless someone takes it under their wing (in a similar way to what
occurred in AOO as it happens, as the connector there is not officially
part of the project, from what I understand).

I suppose an accessory to the above question would be whether the AOO
connectors actually still work with the most recent versions of AOO,
that would give an indication that the problem is of a more general
nature, and not just with LO.

That said, I could be completely wrong with my take on the situation, at
least until some of the devs can comment.



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