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On Thursday 10 of January 2013, Matúš Kukan wrote:
On 10 January 2013 09:16, Stephan Bergmann <> wrote:
Ah, so Petr's "IMHO, it would make sense to use CXXFLAGS after the
default global flags but before the source file specific flags" sounds
reasonable to me.
See for a reasonable easy way
to do this.
It should work, etc.
But it may break PCH_CXXFLAGS. I don't feel like testing --enable-pch
- for PCH gb_CxxObject__set_pchflags should be modified too.

- shouldn't the new flags be initialized in gb_LinkTarget_LinkTarget?

- (as a general rule) for non-obvious commits, please include in the commit 
log message not only what but also why, such as a link to this thread. In a 
year somebody's bound to want to reshuffle the flags and wonder about the 

 Lubos Lunak


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