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* Present:
        + Fridrich, Stephan, Andras, Joel, Caolan, Markus, Norbert,
          Bjoern, Thorsten, Ahmad, Astron, Michael M, Eike, Michael S,
          Petr, Cedric.

* Completed Action Items
        + need to rename the MIGRATED flag and unwind / test re-migration (Michael)
                + apparently no need to do this - the new directory name
                  takes care of it.
        + FOSDEM: how to debug spreadsheet file-format issues (Markus)
        + FOSDEM: how to debug writer file-format issues (Miklos)
        + FOSDEM: add: language-tags how they clean up our l10n story (Eike)
        + FOSDEM: types.rdb removal / re-writing (Stephan)
        + FOSDEM: hacking on the new android / impress-remote (Thorsten)
        + FOSDEM: hacking on CMIS / the new template dialog (Cedric)
        + Testing Marathon: get update with stats for wordpress to Michael (Joel)
        + disable gnome-vfs for now on linux builds for RC1 (Fridrich)
        + remove overly lame .gitignore entries (Norbert)
        + hide TCP/IP mode in android app itself: bluetooth only by default (Miklos)
        + update existing 'find-bar' close button / bug to an easy-hack 58526 (Michael)
                + obsolete - Joren on it.

* Last-time Action Items
        + Windows: .Net vs. our install still chasing (Tor / Fridrich)
        + FOSDEM: Easy QA introduction: bug triage etc. (Cor?)
        + FOSDEM: misc. new interop. feature and their development (Tibby)
        + on-line help for impress-remote would be useful, help appreciated (?)
        + full-word selection / editing ergonomics cf. UX-advise
                + pending input from Caolan / Cedric / Michael S
        + investigate re-using Win32 binary signing for Mac (Thorsten)

* Pending Action Items
        + [pending] add impress remote shots to features wiki page (Thorsten)
        + create a new AmbitiousHacks wiki page, based on GSOC page (Michael M)
        + minimal triage for good mentors for proposed easy hacks (Bjoern)
        + disable Rhino / Beanshell unless in experimental mode (Michael)
        + tweak the configure defaults (Kendy)
                + no submodules by default, no gnome-vfs
        + mail details on signing etc. to Caolan (Fridrich)
                + needs a GPG public key from Caolan, punted to Jan.

* Release Engineering update (Petr)
        + 4.0 timeline:
                + on-schedule, RC1 builds are available, up-loading
                + All fixes now need 1x review - don't push your own work
                + RC2 January 25th - 2 weeks out
                        + final RC3 - one week later
                + hard UI / string freeze
                        + l10n approval required for string changes.
                        + no string changes in final RC3
        + 3.6.5 rc1 - deadline is Monday
                + if critical regression wait until after 4.0rc3 for it
        + L10n status (Andras)
                + pootle upgrade 2x weeks ago and 4.0 brought lots of changes
                + lots of ongoing work, status looks good
        + completing generic / Linux builds -> RedHat (Caolan)
                + fdo#58165 - drop stdlibs foo

* UX input (Astron)
        + template manager / progress
                + progressing nicely - thanks to Cedric
        + Personas
                + discussion on ux-advise
                + thanks for feedback ! (Kendy)
        + Initial color picker design [done]
                + would appreciate hackers / hands [!]
                + great design at:
        + Splash screens
                + new whiteboard for 4.0 branding suggestions
                + so far may well stick with existing branding
        + T-shirts (Kendy)
                + whiteboard / feedback / CC the design list for FOSDEM
        + Save icon - are we going to switch back for 4.0 to the floppy ?
AI:             + decision on whether to switch back tol old floppy save (Astron)
        + blog post pasting websites & loosing images ? (Bjoern)
AI:             + agreement that default to not link should be fixed (Bjoern)

* Certification Committee update (Kendy/Stephan/Bjoern)
        + nice write-up, great progress

* FOSDEM update (Markus)
        + preliminary timetable being tweaked
        + to be published later and Italo will enter to Penta
        + 20mins slots for 15min talks, and 40mins for 30min talks

* Features - please update:
        + other missing ?
                + templates management (Cedric)
                + add Personas (Kendy)
                + Mac / full-screen bits (Tor)

+ automated document load regession catching (Markus)
        + plan to add it to tinderbox, problems with some docs - 1 day to load
        + offered a tinderbox to Markus (Norbert)
        + file individual issues in batches - for three smallest documents (Caolan)

* gerrit / build-bot integration (Norbert)
        + starting to come on-line
        + now capable of building a patch with gerrit
        + eventually have an extra option - beyond verified
                + "sane - but needs a build before auto-merging"
                + so a developer reviews patch first

+ additional SDK examples (Stephan)
        + problems with adding to the sdk
                + grows the core repo
                + git greps / easy-hacks tweak the samples
                + sdk is not built & bit-rots
                + review cost - producing beautiful / best-practise
                  code etc.
        + long ter need to make SD
        + Need a place for code snippets ?
                + or a forum ? (Norbert)
AI:             + contrib/ repository (Norbert)

+ presenter-console patches to back-port to 4.0 ? (Ahmad)
        + working nicely in 4.0
        + 2-3 patches fixing text mirroring from master
AI:     + look at this next week in person (Michael)

+ Widget layout localisation performance (DTardon)
        + fixed nicely, much faster, thanks David.
        + build-times with 110 langs back to 1 day - ie. normal

+ funding requests for the board:
        + 2x fast Mac build machines - tinderboxen - and ... dev machines
        + TDF should also own the hardware for releasing (Thorsten)
        + have Bytemark windows machine could use (Norbert)
                + machine able to build - signing certificate issues (Fridrich)
        + Funding request for new, fast Windows build machines (Norbert)
AI:     + come up with / improve the existing concrete funding request
          for build hardware => board budget (Norbert/Thorsten/Fridrich)

* DudenCorrector bug fdo#59107 (Fridrich)
        + library deprecated since Feb 2011 - and announced
        + could we produce a compatibility package to drop the
          obsolete stlport into the system ?
        + not holding breath for progress before 4.0
        + a reasonable workaround is the best option
        + unanimous decision not to re-introduce obsolete
          VS run-time and stlport binaries.
AI:     + at a minimum - release-note: dropping the DLL and the
          VS run-time on the system (Fridrich)

* 4.0 completed tasks:
        + MSI file re-name to be renamed for 4.0 LibreOffice (Petr)
                + pain / fixing for PHP / download scripts (Thorsten)
        + user migration path thought / testing (Michael)
        + .net framework, multiple installation bugs in Windows
                + a work-around: bump the required version of .Net ...
                        + now we require .Net 4
                        + if not there, the CLI not installed.
AI:             + close (Timar)

* 4.0 pending tasks
        + binfilter:
                + warn on legacy file-types with helpful dialog (needs owner)
        + drop Mozilla mess in the tree:
                + lots of cleanup in configure
        + Unix / LDAP addressbook support disappeared:
                + close that wontfix & release-note it ?
        + Mac build / signing (Thorsten/Norbert?)

* Proposed easy-hacks -> Easy Hacks (Joel)
        + developers need to decide what to do next
                + punting for a month ?
        + re-visit finding devs to build code-pointers for these:

* Hard Hacks:
        + mostly suspended until post 4.0 release.

* QA update (Joel)
        + all well
        + lots of QA Marathon joinees are continuing to help out
                + Joren doing awesome work
        + first meeting of new year tomorrow
        + still have around 64 4.0 bugs that need triage
        + aiming to get the un-triaged 4.0 bug count down to zero by next week
        + doing a lot of great bi-bisecting
        + handling of inappropriate behaviout on bz (Bjoern)
                + punted to next time

* Open 4.0 MAB / regressions
        + 14 (of 64) older 13/48 13/41 9/34 10/34 11/31 6/21 4/18 3/16 3/14 2/13
             22%            27%   32%  26%   29%   35%   29%  22%

* 3.6 most annoying bugs ...
        + 36 (of 166) older 37/164 34/160 35/158 32/153 31/152 33/150 34/148 35/145
              22%            23%    21%    22%    21%     20%    22%    23%    24%

* 3.5 most annoying bugs ...
        + 49 (of 266) older 50/266 54/268 62/277 64/279 65/279 65/278 69/278 69/279
              18%            19%    20%    22%    23%    23%    23%    25%    25%

* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibsected'
        + attempt at a new metric:
        + 43 (of 110)
        + thanks to mst for closing several 'bibisected40' bugs & to QA for more bisection.

* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + 245(+15) bugs open of 1109(+79) total

        * ~Component   count net *
        + Writer       - 95 (+8)
        + Crashes      - 25 (+4)
        + Presentation - 24 (+0)
        + Spreadsheet  - 22 (+1)
        + Database     - 18 (+2)
        + LibreOffice  - 17 (+0)
        + Drawing      - 15 (+0)
        + Borders      - 11 (+1)
        + Migration    - 5  (+0)
        + Basic        - 3  (-1)

        + Migration tracker:
        + Writer / RTF section - retired: will now be counted as writer regressions

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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