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Hi ,

Hope this is the right forum for the question below. If not, please point me in the right direction.

I have written a new version of in C++, this time using UNO bootstrap mentioned in 
The last version I wrote used examples/cpp/DocumentLoader and examples/java/ It expected 
soffice listening on a port and was too slow.

Even this version is not as fast as I would have expected, and I would like to know what may be 
done to speed it up.
The 500x12 cell updated 120 times in 60sec. I used gettimeofday to measure time for 3 cases writing 
same amount of data :
A) write 5000 rows of 12 cols                   (~60sec)
B) write 5000x12 entries to a single cell       (~40sec)
C) write 10 rows of 50 cols, 120 times  (~60sec)
If I read a file with 100,000x12 cell from disk, it takes 20 seconds - so I am hopeful that this 
example can be speeded up.

The box is running RHEL 6.3, 2 cpu with 4 cores and 16GB of RAM.

The attached files can be dropped into any cpp example dir and built. The makefile is copied from 
Any pointers/googlable keywords/web links would be highly appreciated.


Attachment: Makefile
Description: Makefile

Attachment: SCalcBT.cxx
Description: SCalcBT.cxx


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