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On 20/12/12 00:15, julien2412 wrote:

Cppcheck reported this:
[source/core/crsr/crsrsh.cxx:3357] -> [source/core/crsr/crsrsh.cxx:3365]:
(performance) Variable 'rContent' is reassigned a value before the old one
has been used.

Indeed, we have these lines:
   3356             SwIndex& rContent = GetCrsr()->GetPoint()->nContent;  
<-- Assignation 1
that is not an assignment, even though it looks like one at first
glance; it is in fact an initialization (C++ syntax is not meant to be

   3357             rContent = nWordStart;  <-- Assignation 2 without having
used Assignation1
   3358             SwRect aStartRect;
   3359             SwCrsrMoveState aState;
   3360             aState.bRealWidth = sal_True;
   3361             SwCntntNode* pCntntNode = pCrsr->GetCntntNode();
   3362             SwCntntFrm *pCntntFrame = pCntntNode->getLayoutFrm(
GetLayout(), &rPt, pCrsr->GetPoint(), sal_False);
the pCrsr->GetPoint() will return the SwIndex that rContent points to,
so the value is in fact used (possibly getLayoutFrm will only look at
the nNode member and not nContent, but i guess cppcheck is not smart
enough to make that distinction?).

   3364             pCntntFrame->GetCharRect( aStartRect,
*pCrsr->GetPoint(), &aState );

   3365             rContent = nWordEnd - 1;   <-- Assignation 3 without
having used Assignation2

Any idea what to do with these assignations?
so at first glance it looks like a false positive.


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