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On Thu, 13 Dec 2012 07:53:24 +0100
Lionel Elie Mamane <> wrote:

On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 10:53:07PM +0100, Olivier Ploton wrote:
Problem: you cannot type a field name inside a criterion
if the field name is also the column name, even if it is qualified.
The "[Table_1].[name]" gets deleted. I see. The intention of this is that

 [Table_1].[name] < 'some value'

gets displayed as

 < 'some value'

Since the [Table_1].[name] is given by the rows above in the view.

There are actually two problems there:

1) the [Table_1].[name] should be deleted ONLY at the beginning of
   the expression, not later.

That's what your patch handles.

Small incremental improvement: use rString.isEmpty() instead of

OK, sorry. Hope there is no fine for awkwardness :-)

Now, I'm uncertain if we should check "rString.isEmpty()" or
"i == m_aChildren.begin()". Maybe it is equivalent, but I'm not sure
yet. Since you have looked at this code more than I did at this point,
do you have an opinion?

IMO it's not equivalent. The iterator does not recurse inside the tree up to the leafs, it merely 
enumerates direct children. If you add:
   if (i == m_aChildren.begin()) rString.append("*");
at the beginning of the loop, several stars may appear in the output.

To avoid testing emptiness of buffer, I thought about adding a bool (or sal_Bool ?):
    void OSQLParseNode::impl_parseNodeToString_throw (bool& atStart, otherargs)
        if (atStart) {atStart = false; bFilter .... }

    void OSQLParseNode::impl_parseNodeToString_throw (otherargs)
        bool atStart = true;
        impl_parseNodeToString_throw (atSart, otherargs)
but I didn't dare coding it.

2) The [Table_1].[name] should be deleted ONLY if it refers to the
   current column.

Currently *only* the column name is checked, not the source table.

IMO, throwing away column name at the very beginning of the statement is a consistent way of 
simplifying. Not high end but useful and far better than nothing. 

I tried the attached patch, but it does not work, because it refers to
the original "real" table, and *not* to the *table* *alias* within the

Forget the reference to schema and/or catalog in my patch, that was
borne from the confusion between "real table" and "table instance in a

But currently we don't have property to refer to the "query table
name", that is the "table alias" in the query. My first thought was to
add such a property and populate it.


The rParam.xField ultimately comes from

        if (pWin)
            Reference<XNameAccess> xColumns =
            if ( && xColumns->hasByName(pEntry->GetField()))
                xColumns->getByName(pEntry->GetField()) >>= _rxColumn;

pWin is a OQueryTableWindow; getOriginalColumns() is implemented by the
base class OTableWindow, which has no notion of Table Alias. So it
seems that the "getOriginalColumns()" could be shared among all
instances (aliases) of the same table in query.

So my current thought is that we should add a "sTableAlias" member to
rParam, populate it in the code above, and pass it along down to
impl_parseNodeToString_throw, where it can use it instead of

Do you feel like you can look into this?

I'm trying to do it but I'm having a hard time with aliases... Right now I'm still digging in the 
sources... Wait and see.


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