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On Wed, 2012-12-12 at 22:01 +0100, Andreas Mantke wrote:
hmm, I changed the permissions. It worked for me now. You could try the
URL of the template-center with WebDAV.

Ok, it works nicely using Nautilus, but nothing shown in the Template
manager (I kind of expected that). I'll try to fix the Template manager
with it.

It should not be posible to reach the root of the site with anonymus
WebDAV and it should also not posible to add or write content to the
template-center or elsewhere without login. Please try that and give me
short feedback, if that works for you (I want to be sure that there is
no remaining cookie on my Laptop that makes it possible to access the

I'll test that later... first I'ld like to have them appearing in the
dialog. Through WebDAV it won't be possible to show thumbnails for all
files for obvious performances/load reasons... I'll have to add
placeholder pictures.

Let's try if it works with the current setup. We could later use for setting the path. Thus we could change the
resource later without any trouble.


As long as WebDAV is working, we can skip FTP and CMIS for the while. We
may need CMIS someday if we want to extract some additional infos on the
templates, but that's all.
Go ahead and test it.

One possible case were we could need CMIS is to transport data like
thumbnails outside the actual template file.

To see if it works as expected you could use the current setting.

I guess the current problem is that LibreOffice template management
classes are expected only one folder level. I'll see how to improve

Thanks for your quick action.


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