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* Present
        + Lionel, David, Eike, Stephan, Thorsten, Astron, Ahmad,
          Joel, Michael M, Michael S, Caolan, Norbert, Cedric,
          Markus, Christian, Tibby
        + regrets: Bjoern, Kendy

* Completed Action Items
        + poke UX advise wrt. how to improve color management UI team (Markus)
        + re-enable rulers by default (Kendy)

* Pending Action Items
        + create a new AmbitiousHacks wiki page, based on GSOC page (Michael M)
        + minimal triage for good mentors for proposed easy hacks (Bjoern)
        + grok the list of contributors for suitable certified hackers (Kendy)
        + work on mail to encourage them to get certified (Kendy/Stephan/Bjoern)
        + disable Rhino / Beanshell unless in experimental mode (Michael)
                + turn them back into extensions and disable by default ? (Caolan)
                + requires bundling scripting .jar (Michael S)
        + check stlport situation with DudenCorrector (Kendy)
        + packaging upgraded python for Mac (Cloph)
                + Tor has built it, packaging issues pending

* Release Engineering update (Fridrich/Petr)
        + 4.0 timeline: Dec 3rd - week 47
                + Alpha 1 of 4.0.0 up-loaded, not mirrored, only to
                  test the basic build / install - seems to work well.
                + feature-freeze ~1 week out 3rd Dec. & then Beta1.
        + 3.6.4 rc2 status
                + Monday deadline for rc2 - tripple review required.
                + various fixes from rc1 included
        + passing generic / Linux builds onto RedHat
                + still building on RHEL4 baseline
                + issues with linking internal cairo vs. system etc.
                + best to use 'a new box'
AI:             + build a RHEL5 VM (Caolan)

* Munich hack-fest - starts tomorrow:
                + 30 hackers signed up already.

* UX input (Astron)
        + no major changes
        + visio - can import stencil files (Fridrich)
                + could we integrate that with the gallery ?
                + dia import extension already did that (Caolan)
                + themes have to have unique IDs / messy.
                + extension: "gallery of danger symbols" (Astron)

* warning-free fixes and quality (Lionel)
        + fixed several bugs caused by mindless fixing of
          warnings in the code -> people should be somewhat
          more cautious
                + investigating warnings rather than quick-kills
        + now all warnings are gone it's too late (Michael S)
        + more care wrt. removing commented out code (Lionel)
                - wider comment on that
                - recommend file a bug instead or poke ML ?

* CUPS - switching back to PDF output by default ? (Caolan)
        + pinged both RH and SUSE cups maintainers
        + need ability to toggle it, have a universal default ? etc.
        + a couple of fedora bugs quickly fixed.
        + monster meta-bug at LibreOffice
        + needs some input to have a PDF / PS toggle for generation
AI:     + look into adding a UI setting / config foo for toggling it (Caolan)
                + and/or ping maintainers again.
        + from a UX perspective this is horrible (Lionel)

* Certification Committee update (Kendy/Stephan/Bjoern)

* 4.0 completed tasks:
        + binfilter - removed completely (Norbert)
                + removes legacy StarOffice 1.0->5.0 binary filters
                + leaves .sxw .sxi etc. zip formats
        + dropped migrationAnalysis (Norbert)
                + obsolete, not-built, code removed now
        + not removing Lotus Word Pro filter
                + no good technical reasons to.
        + should we switch to native gtk+/print for 4.0 ?
                + no: not complete for some features yet (Dtardon)

* 4.0 pending tasks
        + binfilter:
                + warn on legacy file-types with helpful dialog (needs owner)
        + upgrade bundled python to 3.3 (Michael S)
                + as above testing on mac ?
        + Mac / 10.4 / PPC dropping (Norbert)
                + document: deprecate 10.4/5 and raise base-line to 10.6 ?
        + user migration path thought / testing (Petr)
        + drop legacy / STLport in 4.0 outright ? (Stephan)
                + decide: if ok with them -> drop stlport for 4.0
        + drop Mozilla mess in the tree:
                + lots of cleanup in configure
        + un-publishing selected IDL interfaces (Moggi)
                + if we know some interfaces may change soon, or are
                  badly designed should un-publish them soon.
                + Kohei wants to un-publish the pivot API.

* Proposed easy-hacks -> Easy Hacks (Joel)
        + developers need to decide what to do next
                + punting for a month ?
        + re-visit finding devs to build code-pointers for these:

* Hard Hacks:
                + page updated
                + developers like the selection of hard hacks
        + mostly suspended until post 4.0 release.

* QA update (Joel)
        + transitioning the versions of all 4.0 bugs to 3.7
          then will rename 3.7 to 4.0
        + business as usual:
        + actively questing for new people

        + Bjeorn working on more RSS bug feed bits.

* fine-borders issues (Tibby)
        + ODF improvements for storing borders, plan to discuss
          with Cedric / Michael S in Munich & merge / fix patches

* RTL bugs between writer/impress/draw (Ahmad)
        + RTL text box works fine in writer, but not in impress
        + the old problem: three different text engines:
                + VCL, editeng (impress+calc), writer
                + writer one not in shape to be used by anything else
                + massive internal re-factoring problem
                + writer is a huge feature super-set of editeng.
        + lots of RTL things work fine in writer, but not draw/impress
                + code is in editeng/
                + tables are some draw shape
AI:     + interact with Ahmad to get code pointers (Thorsten)

* Langtag work ongoing (Eike)
        + really lots of call-sites around the place.
        + adds langtags that are a superset of lang-country
        + getting it into shape for 4.0

* Complex text hack-fest mooted
        + Martin Hosken in the UK Q1 2013
        + could we get a Graphite / Harfbuzz / LibreOffice /
          text-layout / lang-tagging hack-fest setup ?
                + volunteer needed to organise travel / location etc.
                + prolly Cambridge / UK would be do-able
                        + or other options ?

* Closed 4.0 MAB (with thanks)
        + fdo#57059 - crash when scroll down on (Writer) HELP contents (Michael M)
        + fdo#56882 - Font list is unsorted in 'insert special character' dialog (Caolan)

* Open 4.0 MAB / regressions
        + 11 (of 31) older 6/21 4/18 3/16 3/14 2/13
             35%           29%  22%

        + thanks to Korrawit for his great triage / tagging work.

        + fdo#53525 - 2 columns Table of contents exceeds page width ?
        + fdo#55044 - particular DRAW OLE object incomplete
        + fdo#55563 - PPTX image background rendered incorrectly
        + fdo#55570 - significant autocorrect slow-down
        + fdo#56460 - CRASH when closing specific .odg files
        + fdo#56709 - Cell formatting dialog shows characters as squares for some languages
        + fdo#56808 - OLE Pictures are not displayed
        + fdo#57026 - particular .docx shows all text frames filling complete page size
        + fdo#57215 - Wrong text rotation in SVG Export
        + fdo#57259 - Master pages styles change view to "Default" instead of being applied

* 3.6 most annoying bugs ...
        + 31 (of 152) older 33/150 34/148 35/145 33/139 30/132 27/127 44/139 46/137
              20%            22%    23%    24%    24%    23%    21%    32%    34%

* 3.5 most annoying bugs ...
        + 65 (of 279) older 65/278 69/278 69/279 75/278 77/279 78/278 81/279 82/279
              23%            23%    25%    25%    27%    28%    28%    29%    29%

* 3.5 bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + 191(+5) bugs open of 917(+10) total

        * ~Component   count net *
        + Writer       - 81 (+1)
        + Presentation - 19 (+1)
        + Spreadsheet  - 11 (-5)
        + Database     - 17 (+1)
        + Crashes      - 19 (+3)
        + Drawing      - 13 (+1)
        + LibreOffice  - 11 (+0)
        + Borders      - 9  (+0)
        + Migration    - 5  (+0)
        + Basic        - 3  (+0)
        + Writer / RTF - 3  (+2)

        + Migration tracker:

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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