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On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 7:38 AM, Enrico Weigelt <> wrote:
Hi folks,

is it possible to let lo put all build outputs and temporary files
to some different directory (eg. on tmpfs, etc) ?

It is 'possible' but still painful and fragile
It is an expected side effect of gbuild to allow us to eventually get
to a model where the build and source directories are completely
We still have a handfull of dmake process that build stuff in
<module>/$INPATH ... that need to be liked out to another place
then workdir/$INPATH and solver/$INPATH also need to be linked to
another position. as Matus mentionned
--with-solver-and-workdir-root=<PATH> should help with that one.
There is also the occasional mis-behaving test that create or modify
stuff directly in the source tree...

iow. yep it is possible, but it is some work and it is a moving target...



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