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Hi there,

On Thu, 2012-11-08 at 22:04 +0100, Randolph D. wrote:
after some talks with some board members, the request rised to include
more members and developers in the idea of adding a browser to

        As one of the board members Randolph E-mailed & since I responded to
him; here are my thoughts.

        IMHO there could be benefits to bundling LibreOffice with other
open-source products in one easy-to-get package (particularly for
systems with weak package management). The nice Valo CD does this eg.
Probably in future that advantage goes away in the future as app-stores
become far more popular & accessible.

        On the other hand, I don't imagine we as TDF would want to do that just
now. Furthermore, if we had to bundle a browser why Dooble ? it looks
like a simple wrapper around webkit. Why would we not want to bundle
Chrome instead if WebKit is the answer ? or more likely Mozilla ?

        Of course - if the Dooble guys want to bundle LibreOffice they are more
than welcome - the license allows that.

        Furthermore this discussion in no way belongs on the developer list,
there is no code involved, please restrict replies to the discuss list.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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