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Hi Anton, *,

On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 10:56 PM, Anton Meixome <> wrote:
Unfortunately no. I was editing de spellchecker project for galician but in
certain moment it was irresponsible. Changes is not been saving. Now is
inrreachable again.
Hmm - cannot find anything wrong with the site, neither now, now in
the last couple of days.

If there is still a problem, please report with the exact time you
tried to access the site.

Note: galician interface is not available but it is available in Pootle a
lot of time ago. Can you take this matter in consideration?
Oh, please mention this in a separate thread, otherwise it surely will
be missed.

But you need to be more precise anyway. I see galicial (gl)
languagepacks on the mirrors for both 3.5.x as well as 3.6.x, so what
exactly is missing?



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