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Managed to get through the build, and now get this error on startup in configmgr, apparently because of some of the extra extensions I compiled in - anything to be worried about ?

create vcl plugin instance with gtk version 2 24 10
        Resolution/Size         96*96 1440*900 17.7"
        Black&White             0 16777215
        RGB                     0xff0000 0xff00 0xff
Exited with code '81'
oosplash: re-start with all params !
create vcl plugin instance with gtk version 2 24 10
        Resolution/Size         96*96 1440*900 17.7"
        Black&White             0 16777215
        RGB                     0xff0000 0xff00 0xff
warn:configmgr:4765:1:/home/alex/Development/libo/configmgr/source/xcuparser.cxx:199: bad set node <prop> member in "file:///home/alex/
warn:configmgr:4765:1:/home/alex/Development/libo/configmgr/source/xcuparser.cxx:199: bad set node <prop> member in "file:///home/alex/
warn:configmgr:4765:1:/home/alex/Development/libo/configmgr/source/xcuparser.cxx:199: bad set node <prop> member in "file:///home/alex/



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