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On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 06:23:01PM -0700, V Stuart Foote wrote:

Nominated the fdo#53474 as a most annoying for 3.6.  It is a regression from
3.5 and has been with us now for four build/QA reviews.

Not sure of the etiquette but are you willing to take assignment of the bug? 
Provisionally, on the condition that the patch really fixes the problem
:-) I am going to step back immediately if it does not, because I do not
have Windows, so I have no means to debug it.

The Java Accessibility testers (JavaMonkey and JavaFerret) are pretty
simplistic, but appear on a par to the Accerciser  test tool for Gnome ATK
AT-SPI--not sure why they would not have be invoked in QA process.

Unfortunately, with both the MSVC and MinGW Tinderbox builds of Master not
currently producing usable builds no way to test your patch.  Any chance of
getting a nod from fellow devs to push down to a 3.6 build and come at it
that way?
I guess that would not be a problem (except to actually round someone to
review the patch, because nearly everyone is at the conference).



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