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Hi there,

        Jack - FYI, I got bored and did this easy hack myself ;-)

On Thu, 2012-06-21 at 13:47 +0200, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
On 06/21/2012 10:57 AM, Michael Meeks wrote:
    Fair enough; but we could presumably easily tweak that such that a .hdl
and .hpp would be updated in lock-step; after all if the .hpp is not
changed - it necessarily includes the .hdl - so we didn't really gain
anything from not touching the .hpp :-)

Yeah, could probably be done.

        Turns out that gnumake does that anyway so I pushed this to git. We
miss a dependency on a single .hdl file - but that one seems so unlikely
to change at all that it's worth the win I think.

        I also elided all boost headers, turning them into a single header -
for the case that boost is internal.

        These two ~halve the size of the dependencies we parse for 'sw' at
least vs. a 3.6 tree I have to hand:

$ ls -lh workdir/ # 3.6
-rw-r--r-- 1 michael users 58M Oct 12 ...
$ ls -lh workdir/ # master
-rw-r--r-- 1 michael users 25M Oct 12 ... 

        Sadly that only gives a speedup (for a clean do-nothing build) of 'sw'
of: 14.5 -> 11seconds, which is less than I had hoped.

        Hopefully it doesn't break things for anyone; IIRC there were a few
more simple ideas for eliding sillies in there, but I forget what they

        Presumably given the reasonably small size of the win - we've done
something else that confuses / slows down make substantially [ perhaps
doing something with that unit test in sw is it ? ].



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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