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Hi Caolán,

On Wed, 10 Oct 2012 12:50:24 +0100, Caolán McNamara <> wrote:
On Wed, 2012-10-10 at 09:42 +0900, Takeshi Abe wrote:
Hi all,

I am now wondering how we can approach support for ideographic variation sequences
(IVS) in LibreOffice, which has been long requested as you can see at [1].
For our Linux story anyway I wonder why (these are new to me) icu
doesn't know about these already and "do the right thing" at least for
the purposes of rendering text. Maybe a dig into the icu trac on the ivs
search terms might throw up some additional info ?
Thank you for your suggestion! Now I tried mining its trac and repository
with keyword 'variation sequence/selector', but got few relevant items.
Anyway I will continue exploring ICU for further information.

So far, having read [2] about Mozilla's case, I think HarfBuzz looks promising for
the purpose. And employing the library has already been mentioned [3] in somewhat
different context in this list.
Yeah. FWIW it's also quite possible that icu might itself eventually end
up sitting on top of harfbuzz.
That's great, even if it would take some time.

-- Takeshi Abe


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