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On 2012-09-14 14:06, Michael Meeks wrote:
Hi Noel,

On Fri, 2012-09-14 at 13:31 +0200, Noel Grandin wrote:
/bin/bash: line 1: 19440 Segmentation fault      (core dumped)
../unxlngx6/bin/makedepend @/tmp/mkiODjuI > ../unxlngx6/misc/o__cpp.dpcc
dmake:  Error code 139, while making '../unxlngx6/obj/_cpp.obj'
        Nope - not having those - although with makedepend it could be related
to your all those meta-characters in your path ;-> (or not).

        I guess ensuring that /tmp/mkiODjuI is not removed, and/or running
makedepend under the debugger - by tweaking the makefiles is prolly the
only way out.

LOL. So after much investigation and running the thing under a debugger, it turns out it was all my fault.
I had set the stack size way down using "ulimit -s" because I was 
tracking down a recursive bug, and it was generating huge stacktraces 
before blowing up :-)
And it also turns out the makedepend allocates a truly large chunk of 
stuff on the stack, triggering the stack limit.
Who knew unix could be so unfriendly when hitting the stack guard page?

We (Linux) still have a very long way to go in terms of making developers lives easier. Honestly, I had a better debugging experience 15 years ago when working under OpenVMS.
15 years!!!!!



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