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On 07/09/12 11:42, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
Even after 
"idlc: clear include file set in Idlc::reset():" the problem described 
at the start of the below #libreoffice IRC transcript still remains. 
can't reproduce the problem here, works just fine: all headers that
depend on the touched IDL file are touched.

(Which is only logical, as merely touching an .idl causes cppumaker to 
not actually write fresh target .{hpp,hdl} files as they remain 
unchanged, so bogus excess dependencies among .idl files cannot explain 
the phenomenon anyway.  It is still so that commenting out the "touch 
$@" recipe would solve the observed problem, but with side-effects 
unclear to me.)
bogus excess dependencies explain the original problem very well as the
rule that does the touch of the header depends on the .urd which is the
thing that has the excess dependencies.


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