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* Attending:
    + Andras, Rainer, Norbert, Stephan, Cedric, Eike,
      Caolan, Petr, Cloph, Mitch, Kohei, Lionel, Björn, Astron,
      Cedric, Thorsten 

* Completed Action Items
    + file LibreOffice conference papers (lots)
    + kick/re-start MING / Win-7 tinderbox (Kendy)

* Pending Action Items
    + 4.0 issues (Everyone)
        + everyone interested in cleanups - claim your work until next ESC!
        * review: Windows release binaries produced using MinGW
        * review: Get rid of Berkeley DB files
    + make bytemark windows box do release builds (Fridrich)
    + crediting: can we separate templates in the credits page (Spaetz)
    + re-think our bundled font list (Astron / design-team)

* GSOC update (Cedric)
    + all students remaining after mid-term passed successfully
AI: + invite successful students to come to the conference

* Release Engineering update (Petr)
    + 3.6.1 release
      * out - most of the annoying bugs fixed
    + 3.6.2 rc1 - September 10th
    + 3.5.7 rc1 - September 17th
      - deadline for 3.7.1 rc1 the same date as 3.7.0 final

* UI / design update (Astron)
    + call skipped last week

* gerrit -> freedesktop migration retrospective (Norbert)
    + looks like a smooth transition
    + helpful queries to act upon every few days (Björn):
      - newcomer patches w/o attention:,n,z
      - cherrypick requests for release branches:,n,z
      - abandon patches with negatives:,n,z
AI:     (can only be done by owner or gerrit admin)
AI  + put the above things into the wiki (Björn)

* QA update (Rainer)
    + HardHacks:

      ID      OS      Component - Summary
      38913   Windows Libreoffice - CRASH when loading Danish dictionary at
                       startup citing msvcr90.dll after upgrade
      32948   Linux   Libreoffice/Database(?) - Address Book Data Source
                       Wizard fails with message "No SDBC driver was found"
      34548   All     Presentation - EDITING: CRASH in action after Undo
      36681   All     Writer - EDITING: after insert/removal of a picture (or
                       alike) view scrolls to begin/end of document
      33302   Mac     Libreoffice - FILEOPEN/EDITING RTL text: parentheses and
                       brackets "(...) [...]" inverted to ")...( ]...["
                       with some fonts
    + 36681 fixed by Cedric
AI: + 33302 Mac -> Thorsten
    + 32948 Lionel?
AI: + 38913 -> Stephan/Rainer to distill/research somewhat better.
    + summary statements desirable for bugs with lots of comments /
      additional precondition before naming them hardhacks

* 4.0 - ongoing discussion (Kendy)

* late feature request for 3.6.2 (Eike)
    + - nods in the ESC, 3
      approvals needed from differently affiliated people
    + Cedric nominates Writer header/footer fix as another potential
AI:   late feature, notify QA list of need for testing here

* dictionary bundling (Stephan)
    + see
    * consolidate dictionary installation across platforms
    * change msi installer scripts to cut down number of dicts,
AI:   according to system locale (Stephan)

* 3.6 most annoying bugs ...
    + 27 (of 96) older 26/91 21/80 11/58 12/55 11/48 8/42 10/37 11/35 5/26 5/21
          28%           29%   26%   19%   22%   23%   19%  27%   31%   19%  24%

* 3.5 most annoying bugs ...
    + 73 open (of 258) older 73/257 76/256 75/253 77/253 73/250 72/249 67/244 70/243 73/241
          26%                 28%    30%     30%    30%    29%    29%    27%    29%    30%

* 3.5 bugs tagged with 'regression'
    + 171(+4) bugs open of 774(+23) total

    * ~Component   count net *
    + Writer       - 76 (+7)
    + Crashes      - 18 (-2)
    + Presentation - 18 (+0)
    + Database     - 15 (+1)
    + LibreOffice  - 14 (+1)
    + Migration    - 11 (-1)
    + Drawing      - 12 (+0)
    + Spreadsheet  - 9  (+0)
    + Borders      - 11 (+3)
    + Writer / RTF - 4  (+0)
    + Basic        - 3  (+1)

    + Migration tracker:

-- Thorsten

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