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On Thu, 2012-08-23 at 10:13 +0200, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
Needed to revert, see above.  The original situation of how the 
installer Perl code (we have no good name to talk about it, btw) does 
string replacements was never really satisfactory to begin with, 
replacing just those "${abc}" it happens to recognize (i.e., that are 
defined in instsetoo_native/util/openoffice.lst, IIUC) and leaving 
unknown ones (like "${ORIGIN}") alone.

A much more robust approach would be to specify an escape mechanism 
(either "\$" to quote "$" and "\\" to quote "\", or "$$" to quote "$", 
say) in the input language of the installer code.  But doing so would 
mean that all the existing input text needs to be reviewed, adding 
escapements exactly where necessary.
        A good approach here of course is to do two installs, one un-modified
and one after the change; and then do a 'diff -u -r' on the installed
directories - ideally they are binary identical ;-)

        It's a shame to loose Tim's nice unit test too - I love tests for :-) Might be nice as/when this is nailed to have some
gnumake guru to help connect them into the build.

        When I last looked at some of this horrific line-by-line substitution
magic, it turned out to be faster to concatenate all the lines into a
single string, run the regexp and split it again rather than do the
line-by-line regexping that was there before ;-> horrific but ... still
- there are lots of less-moronic ways of doing that replacement ;-)

        It's great to have your ongoing cleanup work there ! pruning out great
chunks of un-readable, un-used, poorly performing cruft is cool.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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