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Hi Turi,

On Mon, 2012-08-20 at 17:14 +0200, Túri István wrote:
I'm trying to create unified templates for the template wizards
described above. 
        Cool :-)

In detail, I would insert placeholders instead of the constant texts
and make the wizards get the language dependent ones from vcl
        Yep - makes good sense.

 Now, my problem is, that the three templates use some kind of
TextFieldHandler stuff, which is not really clear for me. I would like
to ask someone who is insider in this topic, that how is this working
exactly? Does it recognize the fields written in "<...>" ?
        Soo - I would be inclined to try to overload the translation magic
inside the flat-ODF importer. Then there is nothing we cannot
translate :-)

        If you poke at:


        And perhaps filter/source/xmlfilteradaptor/

        One brutal hack (but since we control the template environment might
work), might be to poke the ImportFilter to take some translation
argument via it's user-data, and to load the 'inputStream' into memory,
do some very raw substitution of:

        %%baa%% -> translated-baa

        in each case; and then feed that stream straight into the flat odf
import filter ;-)

        The devil is always in the details, but - might be worth a try ?



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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