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On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 03:39:29PM +0200, Jan Holesovsky wrote:
But this all is the implicit meaning of the +2, isn't it?

No, code-review means: the _code_ looks good to my human developer eyes.
verified means: builds, and passes all automatic or manual tests I care about.

Tinderboxes will set the verified flag only for example. A non-developer
running a build with the fix and checking for the bug can also set verified --
although he cannot really judge the implementation.

The separation makes some sense. For example we want tinderboxes to build as
much as possible. OTOH we dont want tinderboxes to build a change that some
anonyous guy uploaded without one of our commiters at least having a look first.(*)

Also ideally in the end you will set the change to +2 codereview and a
tinderbox later moves along and builds/tests the change. Once the tinderbox
reports it is happy too, the change gets merged.



(*) Nifty little keylogger implementation you injected in gbuild there ...


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