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* Present:
        + Rainer, David, Andras, Lionel, Norbert, Christian L,
          Kendy, Caolan, Mitch, Stephan, Michael M, Cedric, Petr,
          Astron, Bjoern

* Completed Action Items
        + notify all committers when we have a nice simple, minimal
          statement of what is required for gerrit written (Bjoern)
        + maildrop for Gerrit (Bjoern)
                        + send mail starting [PATCH] to gerrit at
                initial implementation done, could need some tweaking, like:
                - adding the mail body (and the time and sender of the mail)
                - maildropped patches do not get firehosed to the ML (unless CCed) as the
                  uploader is the gerritbot himself and thus he get no email notification
                  about his upload -- a firehose based on openstacks IRC bot should solve this
                  and not be too hard (and that one is now properly licensed, so we can fork it)
                - allowing adding comments via email (though no approval -- to much
                  authentication troubles)
        + file an easy-hack to ship a binary to zip user-profile for debugging (Petr)
        + update QA FAQs / challenge answers to encourage moving
          profiles away instead of deleting (Rainer)

* Pending Action Items
        + 4.0 issues (Everyone)
                + everyone interested in cleanups - claim your work until next ESC!
        + make bytemark windows box do release builds (Fridrich)
        + crediting: can we separate tempates in the credits page (Spaetz)
        + re-think our bundled font list (Astron / design-team)

* GSOC update (Cedric)
        + Monday 13th deadline for code
        + next week - students & mentors need to fulfill the evaluation
        + students need to prepare a tar.gz with patches
                + is: git log -u --author='Andrzej' > /tmp/big-patch.diff
                + adequate (eg.) or is splitting them mandatory, use eg.
                + git rev-list --author='Andrzej' master
        + drop-dead-line for reviews Aug 24th

* Release Engineering update (Petr)
        + 3.6.1 RC1 update
                + being up-loaded to mirrors, hopefully for announce
                  tomorrow, on-track
                + deadline for RC2 on Monday
                + hope to have extensions troubles nailed & a much
                  better experience left & right.
                + big pre-reg removal so far appears sound
        + 3.6.2 rc1 - September 17th
        + 3.5.6 retrospective
                + released yesterday, smooth release
                + potentially hard to find how to download it
        + 3.5.7 rc1 - October 12th

* download / version selection issues
        + always complicated to have 2x downloads on
          the same page (Astron)
                + can we label point-zero releases in some
                  better way ?
                + chicken-egg problem around testing
        + would an improved testing program help ?
                + encouraging more people to download it.
        + We could list other versions explicitly instead
          of having the multiple selection pages marked
          "Change system, version, language" (Cloph)

* Editing website performance (Cloph)
        + issue with editing the website - takes the site
          down for a long delay.
        + we've had load issues on the server; php processes
          taking too much CPU; setup VM to do some profiling
          this weekend
                + issues for two weeks, since re-start;
                  looking (Cloph)
        + user-rendered pages, not affected, only editing
        + xcache investigation - no impact either way
        + leap-second bug related (Nobert?)

* UI / design update (Astron)
        + started the fonts discussion, proposals on a wiki page

* gerrit -> freedesktop migration
        + planned for Friday night European time,
        + starting over the weekend; push to gerrit instead
                + E-mail will be sent when it's ready.
        + pushing to freedesktop will give a helpful
          warning instead.
        + so *still* regular git, normal git push - just a
          different server.

* Call for Papers - talks @ LibreOffice con
        + more talks, particularly short talks appreciated
                + Android / cross-compilation - Tor
AI:             + release mgmt & QA round-table - Petr
AI:             + CMIS - why it rocks - Cedric
AI:             + overview of Base easy-hacks - Lionel
AI:             + easy-hacks - the workshop (Michael)
AI:             + 15mins improving on-line updates (Kendy)
AI:             + 15mins wiki help update (Kendy)

* bugzilla / gerrit integration (Bjoern)
        + concern about getting spammed a lot.
        + if only one mail if there is a patch at all, it doesn't hurt too much
                + changing it is an easy-hack

* GUADEC update (Michael)
        + liblibreoffice interest for libevince like embedding
                + complementary to mobile device work.
        + potential tracker indexing bits
                + come up in conversation - difficult to work out what's up
        + hacked on gstreamer

* QA update (Rainer)
        + needinfo mass-close panic subsiding
                + not optimal, but it is what it is,
                + Rainer happy to deal with complaints, just fwd.
        + what's up with the MINGW / win-7 tinderbox slave
                + it was harming a five-year-old beast / test
                  machine we run it on
AI:             + re-start it soon (Kendy)
                + Rainer wants to triage MINGW bugs.
        + introducing 'HardHacks' (Bjoern)
                + 3.6.0 flameage
                + QA team suggested picking five top-bugs each
                  two weeks in their call, need to be:
                        + among MAB
                        + triaged as far as possible
                        + best prepared bugs: symbol traces,
                          reproducible etc.
                + throw these over to the ESC
                        + quest for volunteers here to dig into them.
                + want a hard-hacks query - with five hits
                + bug list into minutes for call etc. (5mins)
                        + briefly discuss them each week
                + suck it see next week (Rainer)
        + producing a bibsect repository for Windows (Norbert)
        + new bug report page - with search for duplicates [!] ...
        + Bjoern's hard-hack idea ...

* git-review thoughts (Bjoern)

* 4.0 - ongoing discussion (Kendy)
        + best ideas heard so far: to do an ABI thaw for 4.0,
          and keep in place until after 4.1 - 1 year for ABI

* 3.6 most annoying bugs ...
    + 21 (of 80) older 11/58 12/55 11/48 8/42 10/37 11/35 5/26 5/21 3/19 4/15
         26%            19%   22%   23%   19%  27%   31%   19%  24%  16%  27%

* 3.5 most annoying bugs ...
    + 76 open (of 256) older 75/253 77/253 73/250 72/249 67/244 70/243 73/241
         30%                  30%    30%    29%    29%    27%    29%    30%

* 3.5 bugs tagged with 'regression'
    + 166(-11) bugs open of 736(+13) total

    * ~Component   count net *
    + Writer       - 67 (+0)
    + Presentation - 19 (-2)
    + Crashes      - 14 (-6)
    + LibreOffice  - 14 (-3)
    + Spreadsheet  - 14 (-2)
    + Database     - 10 (-1)
    + Drawing      - 12 (+1)
    + Borders      - 9  (+0)
    + Migration    - 8  (+1)
    + Writer / RTF - 4  (-3)
    + Basic        - 2  (+0)

    + Migration tracker:

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

Attachment: bug-metrics.ods
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet


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