Hi, I am currently trying to run the llvm/clang static src analyzer on libreoffice. The default behavior is to insert a 'dummy/fake' compiler (clang-analyzer) that does the analysis, and then let the compiler (GCC in this case) take over for the actual compilation. Since this introduces some unwanted side effects in LibreOffice, I am attempting to change the compiler to clang instead of GCC, so that the build system can make the modifications necessary for llvm/clang. You can invoke the analyzer with the options '--use-cc=clang --use-c++=clang++' to accomplish this. However, when I use this option, the configure script seems to get confused at this some point (everything works as expected when I omit the specified options): checking if gij knows its java.home... /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk- checking for jawt lib name... configure: error: jni.h could not be found. Mismatch between gcc and libgcj or libgcj-devel missing? Does anyone know how to go about fixing this ? Regards, John Smith.
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