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Hi Iain,
On 08/13/2012 02:29 PM, Iain Billett wrote:
I've worked out a way of getting reasonable box-shadow around the page 
thumbnails. Ultimately it requires pixel by pixel modification to 
soften the shadow ( It was too dark before ). All the same it doesn't 
seem too slow but currently the thumbnails are small. Currently, the 
shadow is added at runtime as part of the grid adapter but I could 
just add the shadow to the thumbnail? ( This would make it difficult 
to change once added, unless we keep the original also ). I'm 
really surprised that there is no clean way of doing this (that I can 
I don't know how your images are stored/drawn, but this is how I add shadows in the remote control using a shadow "paint" (assuming you're doing it in Java):
            Bitmap aBitmap = getMyBitmapFromSomewhere();
final int borderWidth = 8; // However much space you want for shadows
            Paint p = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
p.setShadowLayer(borderWidth, 0, 0, Color.BLACK); // Change the colour of the shadow here
            Bitmap aOut = Bitmap.createBitmap(aBitmap.getWidth() + 2 // 
The new larger bitmap containing image+shadow
                            * borderWidth, aBitmap.getHeight() + 2
                            * borderWidth, aBitmap.getConfig());
RectF aRect = new RectF(borderWidth, borderWidth, borderWidth // This is the rectangle where the original image will be painted
                            + aBitmap.getWidth(), borderWidth
                            + aBitmap.getHeight());
            Canvas canvas = new Canvas(aOut);
canvas.drawColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); // Fade out to a given background color
            canvas.drawRect(aRect, p); // Draw the shadow first
canvas.drawBitmap(aBitmap, null, aRect, null); // Draw the original image on top
            return aOut; // New Bitmap with shadow.

Hope this helps,



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