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On 2012-08-08 12:50, Michael Stahl wrote:
so it gets rid of Container, which is good. the UniqueIndex class used to be some kind of encoding of an associative array into an array, so using a std::map seems appropriate. but i think it would be even better to remove the UniqueIndex class completely
I would have done that, but there are 2 usages of it:

rsc/inc/rscdef.hxx:213:typedef UniqueIndex<RscFile> RscSubFileTab;
tools/inc/tools/pstm.hxx:152:typedef UniqueIndex<SvPersistBase> SvPersistUIdx;

, it appears that there are still remnants of the old array-mapping in e.g. UniqueIndexImpl::Insert that seem pointless, also the NextIndex() looks rather slow, just using map iterators directly would be faster. just compute the next key on inserting with something like rbegin()->first + 1 (check for empty() first), that could be a stand-alone function at the use site.

UniqueIndex is both a map and a key generator. It also tries to keep the key space as small as possible The key generating part appears to be quite necessary to how the RSC module functions.




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