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On Friday 03 of August 2012, Caolán McNamara wrote:
On Fri, 2012-08-03 at 15:05 +0200, Lubos Lunak wrote:
- Find out what we can actually use it for. Some EasyHacks are a good
start, but the list might get quite long.

I'd be interested to know it'd be possible, in theory anyway, to detect
e.g. pointless OUString instances where only its ctor and dtor are
called and nothing else ?

 You mean things like this?

void foo()
OUString a;

 Yes, even in practice, see attachment.

 But I think this one is generic enough that it should be actually preferably 
done upstream. There are already GCC/Clang attributes pure and const for 
marking functions, so there could be a similar attribute to mark ctors/dtors 
of classes where the ctor/dtor themselves do not have any side-effects (for a 
suitable definition of side-effect).

 Lubos Lunak

Attachment: loplugin.tar.gz
Description: application/tgz


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