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Il 28/07/2012 18:25, Alexander Thurgood ha scritto:

Didn't have this problem, but that's maybe because LO was already
installed when I upgraded from OSX 10.6 to 10.8 - perhaps this issue
arises on new installation of LO.

Yes, the issue arises for a clean installation, and the behaviour is different from LO 3.5 and LO 3.6. LO 3.5 will launch without problems overriding the Gatekeeper by using the control-open method, while to launch LO 3.6 you must override the security setting in the Control Panel (Security and Privacy, accept applications from anywhere).

Otherwise, when you launch LO 3.6 after the installation, you will get a slightly frightening message (for basic users), which I have grabbed here:

Didn't notice this either, it was only when I launched XCode that it
wanted to install Java for me, but prior to that I could start LO 3.5
and close it without it crashing - mind you, I didn't actually do
anything java-ish with it, I was merely testing its launch, so perhaps
that was the reason why it didn't crash.

In my case, LO 3.5.5 crashed while opening, and the system showed the message that in order to run the application it was necessary to install Java (and launched the installer).

Once Java was installed, LO 3.5.5 launched without problems.

I will blog about the experience, to explain the different solutions to the problem of running LO with Mountain Lion.

Best, Italo

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk


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