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Dear Sir or Madam,
How are you !
We are an overseas marketing investment development Dept of China Big Science & Development(Group),  a professional  China Auto development and Manufacturer. Our auto products include 
passemgee cars, buses,
Van,  pickup, SUV, truck series,electric car, classical mini moke car series and tricycle,CNG two 
wheel motorcycle.
cooperation way is include joint venture cooperation,turnkey project model,cooperation 
agreement,trade cooperation Partner
and so on.... Please check the catalogue in attachment.  in fact, our group had have many oversea 
auto assemble plant,   these plant is local in Syria, Ghana, Nigeria,Nepal, Egypt and Latin 
America.....Joint investment principle is to achieve a win-win situation.
A, Partner requirements of joint venture term:
1, have some economic strength, the investment capacity over one million dollars.
2, have over 3000M2 workshop + over 10000M  land.
3, have car sales channel web or car garage/remanufacturing second-hand car, or with the car 
related  business
4, Your country import tariff policy nice, CBU (completely assembly automobile) import tariff is 
difference over  auto spare part CKD(completely knocked down) 30%. such as import tariff  CBU term 
35%,CKD term 5% only.
If your company can meet above 2-3 term, please you fill in enclosure questionnaire, we will 
discuss  investment or conditions for cooperation, base on questionnaired message.
B.    Market analysis of the auto assemble plant  by Turn Key Project and Joint Venture model
1. Definition of our Turn Key Project
The turn key project is aiming at offering you an easy and quick approach to enter the automobile 
industry, we will help you to establish an assembly factory and provide you automobile parts for 
assembling first, we export parts to your side under SKD or CKD in order that great much cost will 
be cutted, we help you design and build up the assembly plant as well as provide you necassery and 
detailed technology assistance till you master all required technologies and be capable to make 
vehicles on your own totally, in general, this project is a great and convenient way for investors 
to enter a promising automobile industry with comparatively much smaller investment (1/10-1/20 of  
the traditional automobile plant ).
2. Outstanding convenience for business operation
a. Since the farming vehicles are greatly supported by many countries and many preferential 
policies are being applied such as reduction of tariffs and various taxations and other 
advantageous strategies included.
b. By SKD even CKD transportation method you can save much transpotation fee, a 40HQ container can 
load 14-16 units by SKD or 30 units by CKD multi-function farming trucks.
c. You can start to do SKD first and then after the maturity of that you can either to choose to 
enlarge your scale and use CKD to reduce cost further or choose to make other vehicle types such us 
car, SUV and pickup, from then on you will truly enter the automobile industry.
C. Price list(Quotion price is valid for 30 days, today is MAY15th, 2012, RBM:USD= 6.35 : 1)
1,Van 6390 model  offer: Bulk:
2,  SUV and Pickup series
3,  New edition  Bigmt Mini Moke (taxi ) Car :
5, Dump trucks, and heavy  trucks series.
6, bus series: if you interest in bus series, please you inform us your order detail request, we 
will deliver catalogue and offer list.
For the project budget, actually,  this is a very small  investment, when you have Capital 
USD50-100 thousands only,  you may start and operate this project by your-self.  this is a best  
ingenious arrange.
follow arrange is Capital USD50-100 thousands development plan:
1, Due to use SKD, CKD manage, the  freight  and customs duty is  better low,  Capital USD50-100 
thousands may order 1-2 container goods(14-32 units super mini truck) products have very strong  
competitive strength
2, when you had developed market, and finish your primary accumulation, you can operate CKD, we 
will supply all help, you can set up a small  truck assemble plant and your 4S shop.
3, If you have mini truck assemble plant, we will very easily rise you  products, such as assemble 
pickup, suv, car,bus ..... we had have successful experience
If you have any advice or question, please inform us without hesitation.
4, One cabin, two cabin Pickup may rise to SUV, which rise cost very small, it is add some Body 
jointing welding fixture only.
If you have any advice, please you inform us as soon as possible !
Regards &thanks
(For the avoidance letter be lost,when you reply our letter,please reply to three E-mail box at the 
same time)
E-mail : ; ; ;
Mr.Weilin Wang (General manager of oversea market investment & development Dept.and Group 
directors)  Mobile: +86-13110143845 ;  Oversea market investment & development Dept.of China Big 
Science & Technology Development (Group) Co., Limited   ; Tel: 
+86-23-67635049-604;607;Fax:+86-23-67635036;Skype:W.L.Wang66;QQ:574324829 ; ;   


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