BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:Zimbra-Calendar-Provider VERSION:2.0 METHOD:REQUEST BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Etc/GMT BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:19710101T000000 TZOFFSETTO:-0000 TZOFFSETFROM:-0000 TZNAME:GMT END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT UID:fc16a035-048b-4994-837c-fa4dc54b62b7 SUMMARY:Attention / From World Bank DESCRIPTION:RE/NO: 002-Rbs/0047/2012\n\nAttention\n\n\nOn behalf of the enti re staff of the World Bank and the United \n\nKingdom in collaboration with IMF and EU Office. We apologize for the \n\ndelay of your contract payment\, and all the inconveniences you \n\nencountered while pursuing this payment. However\, from the records \n\nof outstanding due payment with the United Kingdom\, your name was \n\ndiscovered as next on the list of the outstandi ng beneficiary who have \n\nnot yet received their payments.\n \n\nI wish to inform you now that the square peg is now in square hole and \n\nyour payme nt is being processed and will be released to you as soon \n\nas you respond to this letter via diplomatic means of payment. so if you \n\nlike to recei ve your fund this way\, please let us know by contacting \n\nDiplomat Allan Bowler\, and also re-confirm to him the following \n\ninformation’s\, in o rder to proceed immediately:\n\n\nYour Full Name: __________________________ ____\nYour Contact House Address: ______________________\nName of City of Re sidence:_______________________________\nCountry:___________________________ _________\nDirect Telephone Number:________________________\nMobile Number:_ ___________________________________\nWorking Identity Card/Int'l \n\nPasspor t:________________________________\nAGE: ________________________________\nO CCUPATION: ________________________________\n\n\nHowever\, kindly find below the contact person:\nDiplomat Allan Bowler\nA Diplomatic Agent by professio n\nEmail:\n\n\nNote that from the record in the fil e\, your outstanding payment is \n\nUS$5\,500\,000.00 (Five Million five hun dred United States Dollars). So \n\nas soon as the you re-confirm to Diploma t Allan Bowler the above \n\nmentioned details\, your fund will be deliver to you immediately via \n\ndiplomatic means of delivery without any holdup.\ n\nYou are hereby advice to stop dealing with some non-officials in the \n\n bank as this is an illegal act and will have to stop if you so wish to \n\nr eceive your payment immediately. We discovered with dismay that \n\nyour pay ment has been unnecessarily Delayed by corrupt officials of \n\nthe Bank who are Trying to divert your funds into their private \n\naccounts. You are fu rther advised to STOP further contact with any \n\noffices or agency related on your transactions and in your best interest.\n\nYours Sincerely\,\nJim Y ong Kim\nWorld Bank president\n\n\nS.U.: /rsvp? 4b62b7&tk=ddagEVQHueromAZv.LHzdmvi.Hs-&hh=DmjvHEGs11WB3eRheW59BwchlQA- ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ATTENDEE; ORGANIZER;CN=Jim DTSTART;TZID="Etc/GMT":20120724T150000 DTEND;TZID="Etc/GMT":20120724T160000 STATUS:CONFIRMED CLASS:PUBLIC X-MICROSOFT-CDO-INTENDEDSTATUS:BUSY TRANSP:OPAQUE X-MICROSOFT-DISALLOW-COUNTER:TRUE DTSTAMP:20120724T151316Z SEQUENCE:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Description: application/ics