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Hi Lionel,

On Wed, 2012-07-18 at 19:48 +0200, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
Has anybody any clue why svtools::EditBrowseBox::IsCursorMoveAllowed
needs to call rWindow.Paint()? It causes some pretty stupid behaviour
in base, namely:
        Nope - it looks rather crazy to me. As a general rule - we need to move
away from this "immediate paint" mode - since modern toolkits simply
don't do that; all painting is queued up until idle.

If I apply the attached patch, things get faster in Base (the
procedure stops at step 4), but have I broken something else? I don't
really have a clue.
        IMHO we should avoid ~all explicit rendering that is done outside of a
main-loop idle handler / drawing event. In -theory- the widget can
re-render itself without overmuch trouble; so I would guess this is a
pre-optimisation (in a very curious place) to try to re-render less of
the screen.

        I would be inclined to call:

    virtual void        Invalidate( const Rectangle& rRect, sal_uInt16
nFlags = 0 );

        instead of paint there - which -should- defer the rendering until
everything has settled down :-)

        Worth checking with that that the grid does re-render as you move the
cursor around I guess.

        Thanks !


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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