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Alexander Thurgood wrote:
The problem is specific to OSX 10.7.4
On my Snow Leopard server, the DMG opens an installer window that
matches the size of the background images.

Yes. Apple in its infinite wisdom

a) does not document DS_Store format
b) seems to change it randomly between versions

I had quite some fun already re-positioning icons with our initial
LibO artwork; from that time, I have logged this howto:

(paraphrased from

 * make r/w copy of .dmg: hdiutil convert LibO-3.4.4...dmg -format UDRW -o rw.dmg
 * find out current size: hdiutil resize -limits rw.dmg
 * resize with ~random extra sectors: hdiutil resize -sectors <sectors> rw.dmg
 * mount it: hdiutil attach rw.dmg
 * note that /Volumes/LibreOffice/.DS_Store is read-only, change it to
   rw via chmod in the terminal
 * tweak settings to heart's content:
   open View->View options in Finder for the LibO .dmg window
   double-click on the background image, in the then-opening file
   selector, select the LibreOffice volume
   - notice you don't see the hidden .background dir -
   - press Command-Shift-g do be able to select hidden dirs, manually
     enter ".background"
   - in the subdir, select the "background.png"
   - close setting dialog, close LibreOffice .dmg window
 * unmount: hdiutil detach rw.dmg
 * double-click on .dmg in Finder, it should now show the correct
   background image
 * copy out final .DS_Store

Tweak options to your heart's content (also move icons around), eject
volume to store things, re-mount - and steal the .DS_Store file from
it (see also

NOTE: if you need to change/adapt the background image - make *sure*
it points to a subdir of the dmg - OSX does *not* automagically copy
stuff. To enter/select from hidden dirs in the finder file selector,
use Command-Shift-g

Make sure Mac really wrote out this file - sometimes it comes with
only read permissions on the dmg, or it's silently not written - has
the tip to unmount dmg, then logout - for me, just rm-ing .DS_Store,
then changing stuff, and then waiting for it to reappear worked best.

It's most conveniently located here:

NOTE: Just in case your changes do not stick - *delete* the old
.DS_Store file before, something, with broken/inconsistent information
therein, OSX does not seem to save your changes.

NOTE2: In case OSX complains your dmg is full - just randomly remove
some files from the program dir.


-- Thorsten

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