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Cor Nouws wrote (19-06-12 18:51)
    I'm also slightly amazed you managed to find vertical space in that
dialog to cram that thing into; did you test with the worst-case setup
there of tons of those options being visible ? IIRC that happens on

Since I'm not building on Windows, it's not yet tested in a situation
where all options were for sure visible. However I as reference I took a
situation that I saw some time ago, and that gave me the impression
that... But no, not fully sure yet. Will look asap when there is a build is prob
having the patch.

Ah well, my memory was wrong. But apparently some change in the dialog container code saved me: the 3.6.0 beta produces a higher dialog on Windows :-)
So I can forget my initial thoughts about rearrangements.

There's also the small problem that the write/read from the
configuration is not yet functional (see my initial mail).

This problem too is solved without my intervention. Bot on the Linux and on the Windows version I test, the setting is saved. So it's just a shortcoming in the build I ran, that it was not saved there.

kind regards,

 - Cor


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