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* Present:
        + Bjoern, Eike, Mitch, Stephan, Markus, Michael, Norbert,
          Cedric, Thorsten, Andras, Mirek, Petr, Kendy, Caolan,
          Michael S

* Completed Action Items
        + Late feature reviews (Kendy, Astron, Eike, Markus)
        + icons: send out some mail addresses to poke (Astron)
        + post on-line update numbers for 3.6 testers (Kendy)
                + 600 on-line B1 / updaters registered
                + promote B2 a bit more ...

* Pending Action Items
        + [pending] merge the new pretty templates in place of the old ugly ones (Bjoern)
                + new problems shown up with this -
                + Caolan has tool for templates to strip lang tags so it works
AI:                     + try template lang tag stripping tool (Bjoern)
                + need to fix & merge for Beta3
        + icons: poke Tango authors (Michael)

* Release Engineering update (Petr)
        + problems with scripts & new version numbering scheme
                + hopefully it will survive the test of time
        + 3.6 / Beta 2 status
                + builds went well
                + eager for templates in B3
                        (last beta + hard string freeze), RC1 in a week
                + pushing to mirrors as we speak
                + misc. download script hackery ongoing
        + 3.5.5 RC2 / deadline next Monday
                + thanks for tripple reviews for RC2

* GSOC update (Cedric)
        + mid-terms in three weeks - July 13th; students
          need to get code included and merged to master
          for then.

* UI / design update (Mirek)
        + windows menubars support / look
                + poll up yesterday - transparent vs. opaque vs. 50%
                + people seem to want it opaque
                + kendy working on it but happy whatever decision
                  needed soon; on vacation July onwards
AI:             + revert to an opaque background (Kendy)
        + splash screen proposals still pending for one week:
                + submissions welcome:
        + new templates
AA              + check new templates are using auto-fitting functionality (Thorsten)

* re-basing update (Michael)
        + 14k of 45k files complete - ~30%

* gerrit (Bjoern)
        + idiots guide to using it (for Meeks)
                + need more people to test & accelerate it's deployment
                + some workflows in the wiki are harder than necessarily
                        + when gerrit owns git - no problem.
        => Major contributors need to log into gerrit so Norbert
           can give you permissions
AI:             + - click 'register' (All hackers)
AI:             + then poke Norbert by E-mail to get yourself setup a commiter / reviewer
                        + the E-mail used for openID registration and user-account
                          on is needed (cf. core/.git/config)
                + separate group of ACL's for merges / tagging
        + thanks for working on it (Kendy)
                + and for the FAQ:
        + are we able to continue using git as before ? (Kendy)
                + yes; people not forced to a new workflow.
                + if we get it right, people should never feel
                  anything much changed - except the host to
                  push/pull to.
                + -modulo- that every committer will need a gerrit
                  account in due course before we switch to gerrit
                  owning the git repo
        + one-day, not before end of July (Norbert)
                - fdo will become a read-only mirror of gerrit
                - we already have a special user setup to do this sync.
        + who has used gerrit ? (Michael)
                + 24 accounts setup already, but more may have registered
AI:             + notify all committers when we have a nice simple, minimal
                  statement of what is required written (Bjoern)
        + concerns about loss of patches (Caolan)
                + see how it plays out
        + how can we integrate it well with mail ? (Bjoern)
                + a daily digest of gerrit commits to dev. list ? (Michael)
                + send everything to the list to start
                  with & throttle if needed (Kendy)
                + we have a separate commits list today (Norbert)
                + start not too much traffic as people use it (Bjoern)
        + at the end of the day - people still need to do the reviews (Petr)
        + gerrit has a nice query language:
        + who can help out if you have problems ? Name (IRC nick)
                + Bjoern (Sweetshark), Norbert (shm_get), David Ostrovsky (_david_)

* QA update (Bjoern)
        + nice new bug flow diagram in progress from Joel
        + ideas on getting more 3.6 testers deferred until next time
        + new guys are doing great work triaging bugs
                + gives us more MABs - and also better interactive
                  visibility of live issues.

* 3.5 most annoying bugs ...
        + 72 open (of 238) older 68/231 67/229 67/226 62/219 60/213 67/211 68/205 71/205
             30%                   29%    29%    30%    28%    28%    32%    33%    35%

* 3.6 most annoying bugs ...
        + 5 open (of 21) older 3/19 4/15 8/13
             24%                16%  27%  62%

* 3.5 bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + 179(+12) bugs open of 631(+17) total

        + Started to double-count more classes of regression, to split
          them out more easily: Crashes, Borders, Migration
                + temporarily distorts graphs
                + encourages fixing of these bugs

        * Component    count net *
        + Writer       - 66 (-1)
        + Spreadsheet  - 23 (+5)
        + Presentation - 18 (+0)
        + LibreOffice  - 16 (+1)
        + Borders      - 11 (-1)
        + Crashes      - 15 (+3)
        + Drawing      - 12 (+2)
        + Writer / RTF - 8  (+2)
        + Database     - 6  (-1)
        + Basic        - 2  (+0)
        + Migration    - 4  (-3)

        + Migration tracker:

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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